Looking for an awesome way to generate FREE Home Value Leads?

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Looking for an awesome way to generate FREE Home Value Leads to turn into potential Listing Conversions? Use this text:

{Insert Farm City Name Here} Homeowners, did you know the average {Insert Farm City Name here} home gained {$Insert 12 Month Value Gain Here}, in value in the last year? That’s a gain of over {$Insert Monthly Gain (figure above divided by 12} EVERY MONTH last year!! Verify your home gain with this Instant Report showing your home’s value along with recently sold homes and homes actively for sale. {insert your Elevated Network Seller Lead Site here}

Please go ahead and RND (Rip Off N Duplicate) the heck out of this! Here is what the final post will look like 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

Indian Wells Homeowners, did you know the average Indian Wells home gained $397,253, in value in the last year? That’s a gain of over $33,100 EVERY MONTH last year!! Verify your home gain with this Instant Report showing your home’s value along with recently sold homes and actively for sale. https://instanthomevalue.viewing.estate

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